Building Locations

Clearwater Valley Elementary School

306 Pine Avenue
Kooskia, ID 83539

Clearwater Valley Jr Sr High School

4638 Highway 13
Kooskia, ID  83539

Grangeville Elementary/Middle School

400 South Idaho Avenue
Grangeville, ID 83530

About Our District

Mountain View SD #244

Welcome to Mountain View School District #244. Our rural school district sits within Idaho County, located in north central Idaho. It is the largest geographical school district in the state, and the sixth largest geographical school district in the continental United States. Mountain View School District’s boundaries span from the state of Oregon to Montana (8,300 sq. mi.) – covering more area than the entire state of New Jersey. However, with only 15,697 people, its population per square mile resembles that of Alaska.

The school district borders the national “Frank Church Wilderness” area, and is surrounded by the Clearwater, Salmon, and Snake Rivers. Our local patrons, as well as guests, enjoy numerous outdoor activities including whitewater boating, snowmobiling, big game hunting, camping, hiking, and fishing. It has been said, if the great painter Norman Rockwell was still alive he would want to paint our communities to represent rural America.

The school district has schools located in the communities of Elk City, Grangeville, and Kooskia, but also serves students in many of the outlying communities within Idaho County.  The school district consists of five schools with an overall population of about 1287 students. School populations range from 6 to 569 students, with Elk City School having the fewest and Grangeville Elementary/Middle School being the largest.

We are a K-12 district that is small enough to care and large enough to offer a full and rewarding curriculum. Our goal is to prepare students with skills necessary to function in a larger world. To this end, we have developed a highly skilled and caring professional and support staff. Each student is treated with the respect and attention needed to succeed. Extensive athletic, academic, and other extra-curricular activities are available to students. These activities compliment our academic program and serve to offer activities for students that increase their sense of self-worth and inspire them to achieve academically so we can meet our mission of â€œEducational Excellence for All”.

*Click on an address on the left hand side to display a map to the location.*

Mission Statement

Together, all members of our communities:

  • Ensure a safe, healthy, environment

  • Share responsibility for independent, life-long learning

  • Challenge all to achieve to their fullest potential

  • Educate people for a changing world

  • Cherish our diversity by honoring self and others

  • Thereby, creating a leading rural school district.

Values Statement

Values are principles of conduct and perspective that help one discern what is important in life and which, when coupled with what is good and desirable, helps lead us to live productive, meaningful lives.

Accordingly, the Board of Trustees for Mountain View School District 244 hereby affirms what it values by providing an education to our students which:

  • Focuses on teaching real-world skills and critical thinking

  • Respects our nation’s history and traditional American values

  • Promotes the principles of good moral character and civic virtue

  • Upholds and celebrates these values